Local Events in Partners Countries

Local events on partners countries

Since we are reaching the end of the project, it is essential to mention the local events implemented by all partners in their countries to disseminate the project, inform, educate and raise awareness to relevant stakeholders regarding social entrepreneurship.

Each partner hosted four events, two dissemination events (one at the beginning and one at the end of the project) and two laboratories targeted at youth workers and young people interested in entrepreneurship.

During the activities of ESE project through the years, all partners worked towards these events, trying to involve as many people as possible in these actions. After completing these activities, the gathered results are similar between countries, most importantly sharing the same success of these happenings.

A significant number of the desired target audience attended these occasions in each country. The general feedback was that the project’s objectives and produced materials were accepted with great interest by participants.

Attendants found the tools helpful, especially for youth workers who requested to utilise the developed materials in their everyday activities. As far as young people are concerned their main request was to be kept updated and involved in future activities.

These remarks contribute to the project’s overall success and indicate the need to continue similar actions and provide more opportunities to young and disadvantaged youth.